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August 10, 2011


Good stuff as per usual, thanks. I do hope this kind of thing gets more exposure.

If families were still 2-parent and prices/needs/wants were at a level where one income could suffice...then one parent would be at home to take care of the kids (your obligation since you chose to have some!) and maybe even your parents (no obligation, but it's a nice thing to do!).

Also, if employers didn't "ding" people so much from time taken off work for things like having/raising kids or taking care of the elderly...it would be easier for those 2-parent households to switch off WHO was working as the family needs changed.
Mom is pregnant...so dad is working.
Kids are in school and older but Dad's parent in failing health...dad quits job to attend to his own parent's issue and mom goes back to work.

Will never forget when I took off 2 years to be home with my firstborn. After just 2 years I looked for a 20-hour a week job. My parents and inlaws wanted to have lots of time with their grandchild...and so that freed up 20 hours a week for me! Free babysitting too! :-) I looked for part-time jobs that utilized my prior knowledge/skills...but nobody would offer me one.

Instead, most everyone I interviewed with offered me full time work (but at 1/2 the pay rate I had gotten just 2 years prior!)

I was undestandably insulted. Huh? After 2 years my previously $100,000 a year brain is now just worth $45,000 or $50,000 a year? What a crock!
I stayed home instead.
We didn't go on as many vacation to fabulous destinations as we could have if I'd been working...but I had more self respect than to take that kind of pay cut (this was in 1997!) just because I was 2 years out of the work environmnent. I assume my experience is not unique...

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