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May 25, 2011


True, there are differences in management and leadership, but as leaders we make a very big mistake when we categorize people thusly. While I have great respect for the experts you cite, my own extensive experience tells me that the results are always better when those in management positions are trained in leadership and act like leaders. Though many disagree with the idea that leadership has different levels, it is completely true that a lower level manager has leadership responsibilities for people, even though they may not set long-term strategies or make big policy decisions. In fact, in most organizations, managers have more day-to-day, face-to-face contact with employees than anyone in a position defined as leadership.

Your comment that managers and leaders are not the same is absolutely true. But greater success comes when managers are leaders.

Remember that while people expect to be managed, they respond much better to being led; and that applies at all levels of the organization.

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