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July 01, 2010


There are probably different stages of a companies growth that suit remote working better. We started developing our hr software tools remotely. One of the lead developers was based in Capetown, South Africa and the rest of us are in Cork, Ireland. From my experience you can't beat the benefit of being physically close to each other when requirements are changing very quickly. There's often a great reward in simply being able to chat over your shoulder.

I'd like to bring in more remote working but for early stage software companies it's definately challenging.


I usually work with web-based applications like http://www.showdocument.com
I use it for sharing my designs and documents with partners and clients,
but i guess it can used for other purposes too. If you're looking for a free solution you should check it out.
- Laura W.

Great article! As a longtime remote worker and now the editor of wideteams.com, I've talked to quite a few remote workers. One thing they all agree on is that the virtual workplace is incompatible with a lack of trust. Brick-and-mortar offices can to some degree make up for trust deficiencies with constant oversight. But as you point out, on a fully distributed team it's simply not possible to look over everyone's shoulder. The move to remote work will force a lot of teams to ask themselves a tough question: are we ready to embrace a trust-based, results-oriented model of collaboration?

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