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July 17, 2010


We have to be careful and understand that each generation faces a different set of skills and also a different method of engagement.

This statistic is not surprising. The state of our economy is definitely a driving force, but there are also a few other factors at play. The first is the overall improvement in our financial well-being. Even in this down economy, many people are financially better off than they were 60 years ago, and I believe fewer teenagers having to work is a direct result. The second is the increase in life expectancy. As long as we are healthy and able to work, more people will continue to do so past the age of 65. However, I don’t think we are looking at a long-term shift in the balance of generations in the workforce. Eventually, the mass exodus of the Baby Boomers will occur and Gen Y will need to step in. But given the challenges Gen Y has faced in this economy, I think the question is how well will they be prepared? And what types of jobs will we see them in?

Anna McMenamin, http://blog.yoh.com/2010/05/faceoff-lack-of-opportunity-not.html

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