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April 07, 2010


Bill- thanks for the feedback and kind comments. I don't think just going back to school cuts it. I think a lot of what's being taught is academically important but irrelevant for work preparedness. I also believe a lot of what's being taught is for jobs with no future. My advice for graduates...don't just use technology, figure out how to apply it. It's not enough to just learn something anymore. Without application, it means nothing. That's the great debate why not everyone needs a 4-year degree. Everyone needs more than 4 years of education after high school. But not everyone needs it one bunch of time to get it done with...then stop learning.

Wow very interesting and stimulating piece. Do you think having the present market of worker "go back to school" would suffice? And what type of advice would you give the kid just getting out of high school?

Thanks. Love the info by the way.

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