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September 03, 2009


It's an incredibly tough market out there right now. You hear about how awful the economy is but until you become unemployed and experience it first hand to understand. At 24, and freshly unemployed in May I revamped my resume and took on my job hunt with vigor. There were cover letters, e-mails, and unreturned phone calls. When all was said and done I had earnestly applied for about fifty jobs, most of which I was overqualified for.

I was rewarded in the end (and I know I’m lucky), but I can’t imagine what it’s like for the thousands upon thousands of people who aren’t fortunate enough to stumble upon that right opportunity at the right time.

And yet, there are scores of town hall screamers trying desperately to hold on to their dwindling health care in a broken system. Do we really want to wait 30 years until this situation becomes untenable? Alas, with the dearth of informed people on this subject operating as insurance company puppets, I fear the answer...

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