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May 26, 2009


Angel, I respectfully disagree that online social networking is a fad. I'd agree that the current Facebook and Twitter models will evolve beyond some of the lame and trivial applications. But technology has revolutionized how people will communicate and buy. I'm writing a post about the telephone and comments like yours are almost verbatim to those written a hundred years ago. Thanks for reading and hopefully you'll find deeper productive changes resulting from social networking.

Social networking is a fad. It gives people something to do on the web, and a peak into other peoples lives, when actually social networking is very pointless, and boring! Why can't smart people just create useful things, because social networking is not useful, in fact it is all very useless, and a waste of time!

As a Gen Y young professional, I can't get over how restrictive some employers are with technology. I work for a bank and personal email, facebook, and twitter are all blocked. Clearly the banking industry has a ways to go.

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