A shortage of qualified job candidates continues despite the economic downturn, according to Manpower Inc.’s annual Talent Shortage Survey.
The company says 30 percent of employers worldwide are struggling to find qualified personnel. Positions in the skilled trades, sales, technical work and engineering remain the most difficult for employers to fill globally.
Manpower surveyed nearly 39,000 employers in 33 countries and territories to gauge their ability to find the talent they need.
The 10 hardest jobs to fill, as reported by 2,000 U.S. employers in 2009, are:
1. Engineers.
2. Nurses.
3. Skilled/manual trades.
4. Teachers.
5. Sales representatives.
6. Technicians.
7. Drivers.
8. Information-technology staff.
9. Laborers.
10. Machinist/machine operators.
Pennsylvania employers can be very different. They feel that locals don't know how to do the job right and they think the out of staters know more. Once you're in the state and looking for a job, you must not be any good...someone from California, now they must be good! Very strange.
Posted by: Andrew Varga | June 06, 2009 at 10:53 AM
It really surprises me that any positions are "hard to fill" right now with so many people out of work.
Posted by: agammy | June 01, 2009 at 12:58 PM