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April 22, 2009



I certainly don't agree corporal punishment is or was an acceptable alternative to Ritalin....just as I don't believe that every child on Ritalin should be taking it either.

As far as the other scenarios, exaggerated? Maybe. Ridiculous? Absolutely not. Maybe SWAT doesn't show up but the police do. If you don't believe there is some truth in these scenarios talk to parents or do a search on Google. You'll find plenty of examples of students being expelled or arrested for bringing vitamins to school and carrying water pistols!

PS: While I don't agree with the way that schools/doctors throw Ritalin at every kid who happens to be fidgety in class, do you really think that having the principal hit the kid is a desirable alternative?

Oh, come on! I agree that we have developed a real tendency to over-react these days, but your 2009 scenarios are all completely ridiculous. The last one, sadly, probably could be true, but the rest are so hyperbolic that it's not even funny (you were trying to be funny, right?).

SWAT team shows up for a fistfight? Riiight...

Drug charges for bringing aspirin to school? Not likely. In fact, if anything, the school would probably prefer that. Where I live, teachers aren't allowed to give kids aspirin without parental permission because they can't "administer drugs without consent." I mean, it's aspirin for god's sake, unless you feed the kid the entire bottle, nothing bad is going to happen.

You left out scenario #4-
Johnny wants to play baseball.

1959 - He and a group of his buddies pick the teams, the location,keep score and resolve conflicts.

2009 - From age 6 he's on a team, wears a uniform,told by his coach if he's any good, and is watched by his over-involved "soccer parents" to ensure he's getting enough exposure to play at the next level...

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