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May 18, 2008


Where are these jobs that are unfilled? Why do I not see these job vacancies advertised in the classified job section of the newspaper nor on job boards?

The continuing talent 'crunch' is being overlooked as we are all focused on the credit-crunch and energy-crunch. However, I appreciate the perspectives you bring.

I have just blogged on one way in which employers may alleviate their problems a little - making reference to some recently published research. The blog is at: http://tinyurl.com/4a3h7f

I would appreciate your comments.

You are correct in that many businesses are not willing to pay for the talent they want and need. But likewise there are thousands of people out of work that were receiving wages at levels beyond which they were qualified. Wage increases are no longer an entitlement for years of service unless you continue to contribute and advance your skills. Too many workers have been coasting toward retirement without any motivation to learn new or update old skills. It is not an employer's obligation to pay a worker what he or she used to make if they don't have advance skills.

These observations are incomplete. What businesses are really saying is that they can't find the people to fill their jobs *at the current wage*. This implicit reality is often overlooked, but is not insignificant in this discussion.

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