Darn cats. The next time an employee tells you, "My cat unplugged my alarm clock", you might think twice. (Of course, "how" you react is determined by your behavioral style - to learn how behavioral styles affect optimism and skepticism, read more about DISC behavioral type indicators.)
The kitty story was just one of dozens of unusual excuses offered by employees according to a new CareerBuilder.com survey "Out of the Office."
How prevalent are these stories? More than one-third of U.S. workers who responded said they played hooky from work over the last 12 months. Thirty-five percent admitted to calling in sick when they felt well at least once. One in 10 said they did so three times or more. Twenty percent said they called in sick because they just didn't fell like going into the office that day.
These results are consistent with CCH's Unscheduled Absence Survey which found unscheduled absenteeism, oftern called presenteeism, at a five year high.
What other excuses should you be on the lookout for?
Forgetfulness - "I forgot to come back to work after lunch."
Extreme sports - "I hurt myself bowling."
Hmmmm...where was I? - "I couldn't find my shoes."
What's my name? - "I was arrested as a result of mistaken identity."
Presenteeism costs U.S. businesses over over $610 per employee and on average, lost productivity is 7.5 times greater than productivity lost to absenteeism. (The Health Coalition of Tampa, Florida).
Learn more about how to reduce unscheduled absenteeism in your workplace.